Obamacon 2012 Chairman Andy Martin will hold a Honolulu news conference today, Sunday November 14th, to question whether Barack Obama is really a Christian.
Martin says that Obama relied on his “Christian” beliefs during the 2008 campaign to sanitize his putative father’s Muslim religion but there is no tangible evidence the president was ever baptized. MONDAY: Why Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Obamacon 2012/Honolulu 2010 continues through Tuesday, November 16th. The Honolulu convention is exploring all aspects of Obama’s roots in Hawai’i; secondary and college schooling; and religious beliefs and practices.
Obamacon 2012
Third National Conference on Barack Obama's Missing Birth Certificate, College Records and Religion, November 9-16, 2010 Honolulu
Honolulu 2010 blog for Obamacon 2012:
EMAIL: [email protected]
Obamacon 2012 conference leader/author/film producer Andy Martin says that Trinity United Church of Christ has failed to provide any evidence that Barack Obama is a baptized Christian
Martin notes that although there is no religious test for office under the U. S. Constitution, presidential candidate Barack Obama inserted his “Christian conversion” into the campaign
Martin says that presidential scholars and authors can draw an “adverse” inference from the silence of Trinity United Church
(HONOLULU)(November 13, 2010) Obama conference leader, author and film producer Andy Martin will hold a Honolulu news conference this afternoon, November 14th, to question whether Barack Obama qualifies as a bona fide Christian. Obamacon 2012 now taking place in Honolulu is exploring all aspects of President Barack Obama’s roots in Hawaii, religious beliefs and education both in Hawai’i and on the mainland.
“In preparation for Obamacon 2012 I ‘walked back’ the issue of President Obama’s religious beliefs,” Martin will state. “And I ran into the usual Obama stone wall. Obama has never produced a baptismal certificate or any similar evidence to confirm he was actually baptized.
“I contacted Obama’s former church, Trinity United Church of Christ, and asked them for access to Obama’s baptismal records. Silence. Any records, even a matchbook that Obama may have touched, become ‘presidential’ historical items. Birth certificates, college files and, yes, baptismal records are historical national archives.
“During the 2008 campaign I suggested Obama’s ‘Christianity’ would not survive his inauguration, and I was once again correct. Obama, who claimed in 2009 he was looking for a new parish in Washington, DC, never found one. After a recent controversy over Obama’s Muslim obsession I suggested he would run to the Episcopal Church across the street from the White House and, bingo, he did. With Obama, religion is all artifice and pretense.
“Every Christian denomination of which I am aware maintains records of baptisms, weddings and other solemn occasions. Trinity UCC probably does, although they won’t say. They have imposed the usual Obama ‘iron curtain’ of silence over the issue of Obama’s baptism. Two corollaries naturally flow from the silence of Obama and Trinity.
“First, we are entitled to draw what lawyers call an ‘adverse inference’ from the silence of an individual, or the refusal to produce what would be normal to produce. Obama, if he has a baptismal certificate, should want that document to see the light of day. No baptismal certificate has ever surfaced.
“Second, without Holy Baptism, no one can be a Christian. Anyone can claim virtually anything under the First Amendment. I can claim I am a [Roman] Catholic. But the Roman Catholic Church will not recognize me as a member unless and until I am baptized and follow their procedures. Did Obama follow the UCC’s procedures, or is talk of his conversion to Christianity just that, all talk?
“I renew my call to President Obama to authorize the release of his Trinity UCC records, and I call on Reverend Moss to release his records as an act of completing the national historical archive concerning the 44th president,” Martin will state.
The text of Andy Martin’s letter to Trinity United Church follows:
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Andy Martin, J. D.
Professor of Law (Adj.)
Executive Editor
September 29, 2010
Rev. Otis Moss, III
Trinity United Church
400 W. 95th Street
Chicago, IL 60628
via fax (773) 962-0164
Dear Reverend Moss:
I am writing to you about President Barack Obama. Although I have been a political critic of Mr. Obama in my writing, when I deal with the facts of his life my only goal is to search for the truth and to find the facts about his identity.
Mr. Obama says that he became a Christian at Trinity UCC. I am a longstanding member of the Episcopal Church, although I was actually baptized in the Greek Orthodox Church.
Although I studied for Holy Orders in the Episcopal Church I have to admit I do not know much about how the UCC handles conversions and baptisms.
Episcopal theology holds that we become a Christian by Holy Baptism (see attached). My church (and the Greek Orthodox Church) maintain detailed records of baptisms. Some years ago when I lost my wallet, my baptismal church still had the records going back to my birth.
Was President Obama baptized at Trinity UCC?
Do you issue baptismal certificates?
Do you maintain baptismal records?
Are your baptismal records open to inspection and copying by the public or media?
Would they be open if President Obama authorized you to open them? Has he ever done so in the past?
I know you may be reluctant to answer my inquiries because of the past unpleasantness at Trinity involving Mr. Obama but I think Trinity UCC can make a genuine contribution to clarifying just when Mr. Obama became a Christian if he was in fact baptized at Trinity UCC. Or not. My question is essentially neutral: it seeks to establish a fact which may or may not be helpful to authors, researchers and the media in walking back Mr. Obama’s faith history.
If President Obama was in fact baptized at Trinity, I would very much appreciate a copy of his baptismal record or baptismal certificate, and I assure you I will deal with it fairly and objectively. If you maintain a book of baptisms, a copy of the page from the book where his name is recorded would also be helpful.
Faithfully Yours in Christ,
Obamacon 2012/Honolulu 2010 Chairman Andy Martin
Sidewalk news conference, intersection of Kalia Road and Ala Moana Boulevard, (Hilton Hawaiian Village pond), Honolulu
WHEN: Sunday, November 14, 5:00 P.M.
Obama conference leader Andy Martin says the silence of Barack Obama’s former church raises an “adverse inference” that Obama is not a Christian
MEDIA CONTACT:(866) 706-2639; Cell (917) 664-9329
ABOUT ANDY: Chicago Public Radio calls Andy Martin a “boisterous Internet activist.” Andy is the legendary New York and Chicago-based muckraker, author, Internet columnist, radio talk show host, broadcaster and media critic. He has over forty years of background in radio and television and is the dean of Illinois media and communications. He promotes his best-selling book, “Obama: The Man Behind The Mask” and his Internet movie "Obama: The Hawai'i years." Martin has been a leading corruption fighter in Illinois for over forty years. He is currently sponsoring www.AmericaisReadyforReform.com
Andy is the Executive Editor and publisher of the “Internet Powerhouse,” www.ContrarianCommentary.com. He comments on regional, national and world events with more than four decades of investigative and analytical experience. He holds a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Illinois College of Law and is a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York (LaGuardia CC, Bronx CC).
Andy's columns are also posted at ContrarianCommentary.blogspot.com; contrariancommentary.wordpress.com.
[NOTE: We try to correct any typographical errors in this story on our blogs; find our latest edition there.]
MEDIA CONTACT: (866) 706-2639 or CELL (917) 664-9329
E-MAIL: [email protected]
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